Frequently Asked Questions

Order Tracking

Tracking Your Order

Once you receive an email confirming your order has been shipped, you will be able to track the progress of your delivery.

You can also do this by visiting this link  TRACK NOW

My order has not arrived within the stated delivery time, what should I do?

Our delivery options are fully tracked. If you have not received your order within the times stated for your destination and you have noticed unusual activity on your tracking number, please contact us for help. For orders to international destinations that are delayed, please check if your order has been held in customs clearance.

Can someone else collect my order on my behalf?

No, orders can only be collected by the person who placed the order. Please remember to bring identification with you.

Can I cancel my order

Yes, all orders can be cancelled within 24 hours of placing them. Any orders cancelled after 24 hours will attract 25% cancellation fee of the total amount of the product.

General Inquiries

Is This Product Authentic?

All goods sold by Junebugs World are 100% genuine and in the original manufacturer’s packaging (unless explicitly stated in the product listing).

How long does delivery take?

All customers should allow 3 working days for UK standard delivery and 5 – 7 working days for outside UK delivery

How do I cancel my order?

If you wish to cancel your order please notify Junebugs World Ltd by email at within 1 hour of making your order.

Please include the following details:
Your Name
Your Order Number
Reason for cancellation
Payment Method.

The refund will be applied directly to your Debit/Credit Card or Paypal account.

Can I return my order?

No refunds or exchange would be giving, but exchange would be giving if customers receive a damaged product or receives no product at all. Damaged and non recieved product claim can take up to 14days to be processed with prove from customers.


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